Scottsdale Retreats for Renewal
Major life events, shocks, traumas and ongoing stress can take a toll on your health and put you at greater risk for a major illness.
- Have you been through a major shock or trauma in your life from which you have been unable to recover?
- Do you need support navigating a significant transition?
- Do you feel tired, fried or riled up after a sudden change or shocking life event that has caused to feel out of balance, stuck and unable to move forward?
- Are you ready to be open to support to change and shift into being balanced, healthy and whole again?
It is important to take some time to heal and put your body and spirit at ease again. A retreat in a new location can help remap the brain and give some perspective. An opportunity to optimize your health can help you move forward and be present in your life.
"Think for a moment how, across the world, someone's life has just changed - irrevocably, permanently, and not necessarily for the better - and everything that was once so steady, so reliable, must now find a new way of unfolding."
John O'Donohue, To Bless the Space Between Us
This scottsdale Retreat for Renewal is about finding a new way for your life to unfold ….
This five day retreat is meant to get your body out of the sympathetic fight or flight and into parasympathetic state where your body and mind can properly function again.
Because in today's hectic world, many of us don't have time to get out of fight or flight, this retreat is designed to do that. My hope is that you can have a jump start to reclaim a peaceful calmer state.
With a medical workup to assess your current health, acupuncture, daily yoga and/ or meditation and possible fine tuning of your medications and massage, you can take great steps to recover yourself and live a fulfilling life again.
The retreat can be customized to suit your needs and individual preferences.
Through years of clinical experience, I have seen that shocks and traumas of life whether they be a one time PTSD experience or ongoing complex PTSD experiences take a toll on one's psyche, health and ability to thrive. Also, fear at times of major decision making can hold us back from the fulfilling life possible.
Tools you will take home after this five day retreat are learning to calm yourself and listen to your body and assessment of necessary treatment to balance your hormonal and nutritional state.

To schedule your individualized retreat
please call (503) 241-5094.
"The way out is in." Thich Nhat Han
This retreat is ideal for:
- Health Optimization and Reset
- Narcissistic Abuse
- Sudden death of a loved one
- Suicide of a loved one
- Relationships with those suffering from mental illness
- Abandonment by a partner or spouse
- Betrayal/infidelity in relationship
- Caregiver burnout
- Relationship breakup
- Scapegoating in Toxic Families
- Divorce
- Sexual Trauma
- Domestic violence
- Loss of a job
- Business loss
- Workplace bullying
- Public defamation
- War trauma
- Stalking
- Lawsuits
- PTSD around a major illness or injury
- General Burnout
- Post-partum Depression